

The cow is of the bovine ilk, one end is moo, the other milk

By Ogden Nash

What kind of country would we be if we didn’t have cows?  Cows that made milk from our green grass? That we got from all the rain that poured down on us?  What kind of food would we eat, if we didn’t have cows?  

But we do, and what an amazing cuisine, or more like, world they have given us.  When I think of a cow, the first image that comes into my head is black and white on green.  And blue sky, but grey works here too.  Such beauty.  And then their beautiful soft curious gentle solid brown eyes.  After that it’s their ankles, the most elegant to be seen anywhere, anytime.

And that’s only the beginning.  

Cows make the butter that makes my fudge. They are my heroes.